Here's a small introduction about myself...

Utkarsh Garg

Software Engineer

Recently graduated from Stony Brook University, New York completing my Master's in Computer Science. Techie, a Polyglot , I love exploring and fiddling with new technologies in an attempt to solve the hot computer science problems. I live by the words of Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” and approach everything I do with this in mind to guide my curiosity and goals

With about 5+ years of full time experience, working on enterprise B2B apps in the domains of Payments and Loyalty services, I'm a seasoned professional with experience in Java, Python, Javascript and DevOps/Cloud computing. Interested in working on applications at the intersection of Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

Expertise: Data Structures and Algorithms, Supervised Learning, Problem solving and Web programming.

My Timeline...


Here's some fun stuff! ;)

Hasura: Chatbots, WebApps and more..

My work during Fellowship at Hasura.

OAuth using PassportJS

Implementation of Social OAuth


Greyatom Capstone Project

Retail Store Sales Data Analysis

Performed EDA on dataset of 1.7 million records for an Hardware store.

House Pricing Prediction (Kaggle Challenge)

Prediction using Regression Techniques applied on Ames Housing Dataset on Kaggle.

Analogies using Word Vectors

Implemented Skip-Gram model and utilised NCE Loss function to train word-embeddings.

Transition Parsing using Neural Networks

Using Left-Arc, Right-Arc and Shift operations. Designed own Dependency Parser, a custom Loss function and performed experiments by tuning hyperparameters.

Relational Extraction using Bidirectional GRU's

Implemented BiDirectional GRUs with Attention for Relation Extraction task. Improved over Basic model by designing an Ensemble network of CNNs with LSTM.

Summarization of Scientific Papers using Unified Model - NLP Final Project

Developed on existing approaches to implement a Unified model using Bidirectional LSTM, evaluated on ROUGE scores.

SIFT features for scene matching and object recognition

Scene Stitching using SIFT features with Laplacian Pyramids and object recognition using HOG.S

Deep convolutional networks for scene recognition using PyTorch

CNN Models (Scratch v/s Pre-trained AlexNet and VGG16) for Scene Recognition in PyTorch.

PoseNet in Computer Vision

Estimating the 3D pose of a person given their 2D pose.

COVID-19 New Jersey Trends & Impact on RideSharing Platform.

Assessing impact of Novel Coronavirus on Uber/Lyft business in New Jersey,USA using Probabilistic models and Time series forecasting.

Visual Analytics on COVID'19 Data using D3.js and Python Flask.

D3 Dashboard on Novel Coronavirus to assess its impact on the world

Passwordless Ultrasonic Auth

A new factor for passwordless authentication using ultrasound for data transfer

Graph Reverse Engineering

The end goal of this research and implementation was to make charts more sophisticated, interactive and accessible to visually impaired users via text-to-speech..

Network with ME!

Contact Me

* If the mailbox server isn't responding, feel free to drop me an email : ugarg@cs.stonybrook.edu

Do visit my other website , if you feel geeky. 8-)